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Bank Details: Ciphey International Limited, GTB 0140606064.
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With N2,500 only, the Premium Subscription Plan affords the subscriber some greater benefits/privileges than the subscriber has under the Free Subscription Plan. The subscriber under the Premium Subscription Plan has the following benefits/privileges.

Automatic Benefits/Privileges
Premium Subscription Pack containing;
1. A Ceremonial Lapel for CIL special outings; 
2. The e-Book, Team Stellar;
3. Free Admissions into CIL Diplomatic Conferences;
4. Special Product Discounts;
5. Admission into Productivity Group for free coaching & mentoring where participants can ask questions and have them answered promptly;
6. Access to other exclusive resources on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Productivity.

Other Benefits/Privileges
1. Scholarship;
2. Free Gadgets (iPhone, Macbook,);
3. Free Airtime;
4. Tour Sponsorship;
5. Enterprise Sponsorship;
6. Become a Feature Speaker in our Diplomatic Conferences.

A feature speaker is a special appearance from our proteges, who is being showcased with other renowned speakers in our Diplomatic Conferences. Feature speakers are selected through inputs made in Young Influential and special interviews.

Attendance at our Diplomatic Conferences is an automatic provision for all premium subscribers, subject to pre-registration. Premium subscribers who are not pre-registered for any edition of CIL Diplomatic Conference before its official closing date, shall forfeit attendance or pay the prevailing conference fee to redeem attendance. Recourse options shall be to wait for the next conference edition or to pay for the current conference edition. This shall be the established standard of reference for conference pre-registration and attendance matters. 

Apart from the Ceremonial Lapel and e-Book (Team Stellar) to be given to premium subscribers as Welcome Pack for Premium Subscription, CIL shall not be under any obligation to premium subscribers. Getting the other benefits/privileges varies with time and is subject to CIL annual budget specifics. Premium subscribers who make extraordinary and outstanding inputs on our content blog ( will significantly increase their chances to qualify for these other benefits/privileges. Qualification for the other benefits/privileges is not automatic.

Bank Details: Ciphey International Limited, GTB 0140606064.
Make payment before you register.


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